skull clock

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

sore eyes suk!

dragons rawks!!

Sore eyes suk!!I look like a demon or a kind of freak!My friend JunDa was absent a few days ago coz He got sore eyes and did'nt come to school.And after two days,My right eye was sore!And it was exam on dat day!Chinese,but soon I realised that im not the only one.JunDa's neighbour also got sore eyes,my friends,Sean,PengHng and Aaron got sore eyes too,I was shocked,so ihave to take my exam in the meeting room in general office.I and my friends went to the sick bay after that to wait for my parents,and some people from otther classes also got sore eyes,My cousin too!And i went home.....I want to get super rare duel masters card leh..cant get,I wish I had supernecro dragon abzo dolba..

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