skull clock

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

sore eyes suk!

dragons rawks!!

Sore eyes suk!!I look like a demon or a kind of freak!My friend JunDa was absent a few days ago coz He got sore eyes and did'nt come to school.And after two days,My right eye was sore!And it was exam on dat day!Chinese,but soon I realised that im not the only one.JunDa's neighbour also got sore eyes,my friends,Sean,PengHng and Aaron got sore eyes too,I was shocked,so ihave to take my exam in the meeting room in general office.I and my friends went to the sick bay after that to wait for my parents,and some people from otther classes also got sore eyes,My cousin too!And i went home.....I want to get super rare duel masters card leh..cant get,I wish I had supernecro dragon abzo dolba..

Thursday, August 16, 2007



....Boring,i feel so bored so i went posting things on my blog,im doing e-learning homework at my uncle's house..=( And i always tot i can play com there,but my da dont allow coz exam is coming,in four days...I don really hav much confidence..and my damn sis,buy dat stupid hamster and now I think she iz gonna kill it.She keep on playing wif one and dropped it on the floor two times,I still think having a dog is better,coz we are not torturing it,when i see animals in cages wif such a small area,i always feel sad..wad if we are the animal in cage,like in jail,no is much better coz it has more space and the owners always brings them out for a walk...unless they abuse.hmph,boring..cant play computer cant do anything fun for four even more,a week,boring!!!=( hmph......

Monday, August 13, 2007

my almost happiest few days of my life

My almost happiest days of my life??It all started when i joined boy's brigade..I went for the trip with some of my friends in BB,although not all...But,it was like the happiest three days of my life,it was so fun and beyond description.On the 26 may,thye boys brigade and the girl's brigade set off for Kuching on an Adventure Camp at the PERMAI RAINFOREST RESORT!!Our resort faces the south china sea!! and the view was damn nice!!We stayed in cabins in the resort surrounded by trees,each room was quite big,enough for six people to live in,coz there are six beds...The camp was very special,the rainforest was near the beach,we had alot of activities on the beach including the sea on the second and the third day.The special part of the camp was having camp fire at the beach at night,we also saw rainbows on the plane on our way to kuching.We had our games at the beach on both day and night.And also the midnight confidece walk,through the dark dark forest.It was a challenge,a very dangerous one.I lost my bottle when i was crossing the slippery,SHARP rocks,and i slpped on one of the rocks, and my bottle dropped in the small so called river.And i was in a same cabin as some of my friends,and a brigade officer,Mr Ong Eng Tong,he might look old,but he is damn cool,he is very funnny,knows alot of jokes,and knows alot of magic tricks,i was lucky to be with him.And i met alot of new friends,too.the thrid day we went kayaking on the south china sea,which was very beautiful,and has a few islands around.The water was clear,i can see the fishes already,the beauty of the sea was beyond description.After this,we kayaked to a so called secret beach,and had our lunch there,after lunch,we went trekking,after the long journey through the forest,we saw lots of creepy animals,like anke and those kind of hairy caterpillars which is very poisonous.We alos experienced steep slopes,finally,we reached the waterfall,it was a magnificent sight,and we get to swim in the waters,and play wif my friends.The water was very refreshing.And during the second day,we did the high rope course and the low rope course,it was very damn fun,and we saw a scorpion by the beach,and i found a unicorn's horn like white coloured sea shell,the and Mr Lum took a photo of us at the beach during suset.