skull clock

Saturday, November 24, 2007

My school immersion program to Negara Brunei Darussallam(forget that I say that the happiest day of my life on the post below)

This brunei trip rox!!!!!!19nov-24nov 2007,I went with two of my friends,lester wong and Huang JunKai,it was the best,i did not regret going a bit!i think I prefer going there with my friends than going to disney land.We went visiting the biggest mall and Mosque,and during the trip,there were two police escorting us,that make us save more times as we could pass red lights and the cars will make space for us even in a traffic jam.there were lots of amazing things during the trip,Three of us were from the same class,we were seating beside each other in the plane going and coming back.we were also in the same group,and same room in the hotel,we had sooooooooooo much fun together!!!!!!!!I need to go already,maybe I'll just write more next time!!!Most fun I have ever had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG,Ioh and we went to a school too,we had buddies and I miss him very much,we just came back this afternoon,hehe,and I met alot of friends too,the fun was beyond description.


MTL said...
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Junk said...

I love thi blog man! but this post is the best!