skull clock

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My Blog 2 and E-learning day

Hi,is'nt my blog nice??my new skin,and blah blah blah,i think it is really very nice,i luv it!!!And uhh theres music on my blog too,so if you want to hear,juz go to the bottom and click on that arrow thing beside that bar thing,srry i did'nt put the title,but i think you will know songs title,I think there is on the bar......And my new tag box(c box)I think i will start to use musics on Imeem,and make it auto play.And it was E-learning day at school while all the primary fives get to go home and learn on thier computer,but my father want me 2 come to school coz he iz not at home'_' !!! But I think it was one of the best days in school,It was very fun indeed.I get to play wif my friends,and staring the screen for almost the whole school day,It was nice coz i was sitting in a air conditioned room.It rawks!!And we can go for breaks ourselves without the teaher's permission!!!Thiz juz rawk too much!!And If the song dosen't work,click F5 to refresh or you can right click then click refresh,or u can clcik on the arrow there.Enjoy ur stay here:).

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

my blog

ok,i changed my blog coz i dunno why.nevermind,and two chinese pupils from china went to my class.......blah blah blah....feel so bored today........and now dis blog iz especially for my friends and someone i donot noe,but not 4 someone i know and is an adult,if not u muz agree on these.....Every child has the right to a name and nationality.Every child has the right to protect frombeing deprived of his or her identity.Every child has the right to freedom of expression.Every child has the right to information from a diversity of sources.Every child has the right to freedom of thought,conscience and religion.Every child has the right to freedom of association and peaceful assembly.And the most important one..Every child has the right to privacy.Ok???and bye.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

National Day parade

I went 2 watch the national day parade yester day,It was damn cool !!!It was the nicest LIVE show ive ever watched in my whole life,and the goodies bag was oso very big.The show was damn nice,i cant even describe it,and it get to seat with my friends and im just sitting rite infront of my cousin.There are tanks, the apache hellicopter which was armed with lotz of missles and can ambush enemys,there are ships too,i cant describe it,it was super nice!!!!!!!!!And i went home at 10pm.........It was like almost the best day this year!

Friday, July 20, 2007

what happened today

Something interesting happened today,it was about my friend Goh Peng Hng,actually im not insulting lah,its just something funy,sorry Peng hng.........Today,my friend(you noe who)found a slope in our school,and it was about two and a half storys high,he tried to slide downthe slope,and tore his pants ,and we used some waste materials from our project to help him sew his pants,he used stapler and tape.After that,he tried to show us how he slide down from the lope,but this time he sat on s plastic filewhile sliding down da slope.the file was like became so warm,he showed us the second time,we can see his butt through the hole in his pants while he was climbing up.he slide until the file broke...and i bought a spy(white)in get amped and it was a GIRL!!! I hate it,i should save up money to buy a hair,it was bald........nvm